About Us
In the power of the Holy Spirit
We use internet-based communications and annual trips to change the mindset and experiences of Christians so that they can change the harsh physical and spiritual reality of life in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Let’s Talk About Africa
Many of you know about the problems in Sub-Saharan Africa – from poverty to AIDS to orphans. No doubt many of you have responded by giving money, but today I want to talk about a new way to respond.
We live in an exciting time. Technology makes it seem like the world is getting smaller. Cell phones and internet access are everywhere. I can be Facebook friends with people all over the world. I can communicate for free using email or Skype. If we speak different languages, Google Translate will translate text for me. It’s a fun time to be alive.
Our goal is to encourage relationships. Broken relationships are the root of many problems in Africa. We build relationships with people there and encourage them to build relationships with us, with each other and with Jesus Christ.
What We Do
Promote & distribute the word of god
We proclaim the truth because the truth will set people free – physically and spiritually. (John 8:32) We do this by providing Audio Bibles and Bible Study programs.
Recruit Americans to Pray
We lean on the power of prayer to guide our trips, build our relationships and help make life on earth a little more like life in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
Help Africans Form and Build Businesses
We bring expertise that inspires and accelerates their ability to subdue the earth. (1 John 3:17) We teach people how to form and grow businesses and get started in the “gig economy.”
Develop Relationships in Africa
Broken relationships are the root of many problems in Africa. We build relationships with people and encourage them to build relationships with us, with each other and with Jesus Christ.
With Your Help, We are Making The World a Better Place
Murhula is a young leader who went through our Bible studies and graduated from our leadership program. This change-maker has already made a big impact in Bukavu and beyond, employing people in the community, transforming the waste landscape in the area, and encouraging young entrepreneurs.
Watch Murhula’s Inspiring Story
Bible Stories
We have been providing Audio Bibles (Solar powered MP3 Bibles) to people in Africa while on our trips. We have received feedback that these Bibles are affecting the lives of the Congolese people and those working with them. Some of the quotes are excerpts from emails, some are from newsletters and even word of mouth. These Bibles are transforming the community and making their way from person to person in Congo.
Congolese man who worked with the Congo Purpose team, In an email to Greg:
“Hi dear Joel and Greg!
I hope all is well with you.
Dear Greg, Just a quick note with regards to the audio bible. From the 13th to the 15th of April, I went to a small village (kyugama) were I did some preaching and ran a youth seminar. The one shocking thing was to realize that there were only 4 bibles(swahili) in the whole congregation ( and there were about 700 people present …and roughly 60 young adults). The pastor (Rev Migani) had one of the swahili audio bibles that you had given to Rev John. I thought I should let you know of how this one audio bible is being used. It is achieving quite a lot since there is a high degree of illiteracy among the people ( particularly over 85% of women from what I am told).”
In a newsletter to his friends and family:
“We also had our 1st ever communion together as a church on Easter Sunday! What a great moment to commemorate our Lord resurrection with such a great event!
Our first outreach went very well. We had 11 new people who attended (there wasn’t enough place for all 22 of us in my little flat!!!). They all wanted to come back with friends for the next 6 weeks!!! We will be reading through the book: “Purpose driven life” by Rick Warren. We pray and hope that these people will be challenged to live for Jesus and join Le Phare-Bukavu.”
A Congolese friend who sent pictures to Congo Purpose of his family using Bibles:
“In fact, I have attached to this mail some photos of two of my sister’s friends listening to the bible with one of their friends in the market.
This bible is easy to carry and good for educated and non educated people. It allows, in the market, for the girl in the picture to talk about Jesus. The second picture is of women from a church I visited. The church is constituted by women who cannot read or write. They are victims of the male culture. While men were studying, these women were cultivating with their mothers or taking care of babies; and some of them were obliged to stop studying by their parents in order to give their brother the chance to study.
Now, they have become adults. Now Jesus occupies the first place in their lives. They would love to share him with others, but they cannot read and write.
This bible is a solution, because it is audible, easy to use and can be listened by more than one person at once.
Thank you Greg and good work.”
A Letter from Greg
Let’s talk about Africa. Many of you know about the problems in Sub-Saharan Africa – from poverty to AIDS to orphans. No doubt many of you have responded by giving money, but today I want to talk about a new way to respond. First, here is some background.
We live in an exciting time. Technology makes it seem like the world is getting smaller. Cell phones and internet access are everywhere. I can be Facebook friends with people all over the world. I can communicate for free using email or Skype. If we speak different languages, Google Translate will translate text for me. It’s a fun time to be alive.
In my first trip to Africa, I was particularly struck by the dire circumstances of people in the Congo. When I returned, I asked God what He wanted me to do with that experience. He showed me 1 John 3:17-18, “But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” I had read these verses many times, but this time was different. He used these verses to tell me to go back.
And so I did. But to do what? I had no relevant experience – or so I thought.
What was initially quite fuzzy is now clear. I have now led several teams to the city of Bukavu in the Congo. Our goal – encouraging relationships. Broken relationships are the root of many problems in Africa. We build relationships with people there and encourage them to build relationships with us, with each other and with Jesus Christ.
Our methods are equally clear. We do three things. We promote and distribute the Word of God. We promote and recruit Americans to pray. Fundamentally, it is a spiritual battle requiring spiritual weapons – the Bible and prayer. Finally, to help Africans follow God’s instructions to “subdue the earth,” we teach people how to form and grow businesses and assist them with startup funds. The formation and growth of businesses address a key need in Africa – employment.
So what’s the new way to respond? You can develop long-term relationships with Africans as well. Today’s technology makes continuing relationships possible.
I am praying that God will raise two teams of business people to go to two nearby cities; they will encourage relationships as they take Bibles, teach business and recruit people to pray.
I am also praying for a team of teachers to go to Bukavu and develop relationships with the African teachers. Seeing the schools in Africa will make you cry. The teachers in Bukavu want to be educated by American teachers and learn from their experiences. You could be that teacher.
Because the world is getting smaller, we should no longer be content with just providing money. Money alone will not change the hearts of the people in Africa or enable them to subdue the earth. They need relationships. And so do we.
Here’s the cool thing – the thing that will bring you great joy – as you go, you will see God provide for your every need, in real time. You will be weak, but Jesus will be strong! I will train you, provide the curriculum and arrange for the on-ground logistics, but Jesus will handle all of the hard work – changing the hearts of people.
Here’s the other cool thing – you will see God using you in His process of changing the hearts of Africans. You will also see how He used the Africans to change your heart. The ultimate win-win situation.
What are the next steps? Join the movement. Read 1 John 3:17-18. Pray. Then call me so we can talk about what God may want to do through you.
Greg Herring
Greg Herring